Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Boosting Brain Function

HBOT, Enhanced Cognitive Recovery.

HBOT is documented to:

  • Increase oxygen saturation to the brain
  • Reduce brain edema and brain inflammation
  • Grow new blood vessels (Angiogenesis)
  • Increase stem cell production (of brain cells)
  • Repair gray matter (which contains nerve cell bodies)
  • Repair white matter (which are the filaments that connect cell bodies and carry messages between nerve cells)
  • Reach all oxygen-deficient areas of the brain to reactivate neurons
  • Stimulate the immune system

Healing with HBOT after traumatic brain injury

We read stories about people's problems on a daily basis, people with their lives turned upside down by some misfortunate head accident and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Reading about someone else's head injury, concussion or PTSD might not hurt that much, we cannot even imagine the pain they're going through or the difficulties regarding their recovery. The number one reason we're working in this industry is that we've seen what HBOT chambers can do to improve the lives of numerous people with serious head concussions and traumatic brain injuries, people with cognitive decline due to psychological conditions or due to old age.

HBOT is a foundational treatment to stimulate the brain to repair itself

HBOT's primary mechanism is to hyper-oxygenate tissues and the pressure (1.3 or 1.5 ATM) will increase the dissolved oxygen into the plasma. This triggers multiple healing processes without overwhelming the bodyps anti-oxidant system. The working mechanism of oxygen under pressure can help improve cerebral blood flow through micro-vessels and target injured areas in order to decrease inflammation. This powerful non-invasive anti-inflammatory effect is one Of the major advantages of HBOT, which in turn, clears the way for natural healing.


Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can do a lot for people today, it is Natural and Safe.



HBOT activates cells, improves metabolism, and enhances human immunity.


Sports Recovery

HBOT eliminates fatigue, reduce inflammation, speed up training recovery.


Accelerate Wound Healing

HBOT inhibits the growth and reproduction of anaerobic bacteria , promotes Accelerate Wound Healing.


Beauty & Anti-Aging

HBOT promotes collagen proliferation, eliminates toxins, anti-aging.