Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Wellness
HBOT, Healthier and more Confident.
Optimize your oxygen levels.
Oxygen is a natural anti-inflammatory, with antiviral and antibiotic properties.
When the adequate oxygen supply is able to reach injured areas, the body's
natural healing process is optimized.
Supplemented oxygen delivered under increased pressure can kick-start the
immune system.
Oxygen will facilitate
- The growth of new blood vessels
- Release of endogenous stem cells
- A boost for the immune system
- Help with pain relief (such as swollen joints and muscle pain)
- Decrease in swelling and inflammation
- Stimulation of new capillary growth for wound healing
- Decrease in stress levels
- Regulation of sleep patterns
- Faster healing after surgery or injury
- The ability to fight off infections
- Faster recovery times
- Increase in energy levels
- Detoxification and removal of waste products
- Stimulation of brain cells
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Wellness is the
natural way to facilitate the healing process.
- Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) is one of the most natural,
non-invasive, and relaxing ways to facilitate wellness, longevity, and recovery
from various conditions.
- Mild HBOT is also recommended for home use to reach personal health objectives,
even if your health is in very good condition.
- Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) has been proven to speed up the
healing process and improve symptoms for a wide range of injuries, deficiencies,
illnesses, and diseases.
Healing requires oxygen.
The increased pressure facilitates for the blood plasma, cells, tissues, and fluids to
receive up to 10 times more oxygen than the normal concentration of oxygen received
through normal breathing.
This process allows oxygen to reach areas where the blood circulation is Iow and needs
a restart.HBOT delivers more oxygen, the function of cells is increased and cells will
start to produce the necessary energy for your body to heal itself from within.
Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can do a lot for people today, it is Natural and Safe.
HBOT promotes collagen proliferation, eliminates toxins, anti-aging.
Sports Recovery
HBOT eliminates fatigue, reduce inflammation, speed up training recovery.
Accelerate Wound Healingl
HBOT inhibits the growth and reproduction of anaerobic bacteria , promotes Accelerate Wound Healing.
Boosting Brain Function
Harnessing HBOT for enhanced cognitive recovery.